Friday 22 February 2008

Finally achieving a very good truffle chocolate with twice as nutmeg!!

Finally, dpt jugak our last formulation "New Chocolate"... YEAY!!!!Our choc is a lil bit diff from other chocs yg dh ader kat market bcoz kitorng add nutmeg n also truffle oil.. Im happy coz no more labs!!!!BUT nak kena present this monday!!!oh no!!!!although 3mins, rasa macam 3 jam kot kat depan tu!!!!i need some air!!!hahaha..naik sheikh dh!!!the QNA part yg seksa tu..ader this one guy, suka giler tanya!!taula dier tu pandai kan, tak yah la nak seksa org..huhuhuhu..ok, yesterday class only for 1 hour, after class pegi poster sale kat Guild with Nadiah..Nebby tak join, coz "teman lelaki" sedang menunggu..mayb discuss about their group work..herm, bought this peta of UK..hahaha..senang sikit nak hafal lepas nie..Nadiah beli Thundercats n poster bunga..3 for 5pound..after that, balik aper lagi...zzzzzzz....skrng tgh pening about this presentation on monday!!!wish me luck!! -xoxo-
some pics from lab kat bawah!!..
me n Daniel
Kara n Daniel

B4 masuk dlm fridge

Choc being tempered